You can’t lose weight and keep it off

The sad reality is that you have about as great a chance of losing
weight and keeping it off as you do of winning the lottery. This is
just a simple fact of life. Everybody knows it. Every magazine article and
television show on the topic gives the same facts: 95% of diets fail, and
for those who do lose weight, it’s just about guaranteed that they’ll gain
it all back. When the media interviews experts who study weight loss
for a living, they all say this is true.

Myths and Weight Loss

Myths are a part of every society and culture. They help explain common
experiences that are mysterious, frightening, or difficult to understand.
Ancient civilizations used myths to explain aspects of the world
that they could not comprehend. Joseph Campbell, author of the book
The Power of Myth, explains that we need myths to survive and to
explain and understand our existence.
Myths are powerful. They can inspire us to great heights. But they
can also become traps when they mask the full truth. If you go beyond
the kernel of truth that forms the basis of the myth and believe that
every aspect of the myth is true, you can become paralyzed into inaction
because the myth seemingly explains everything.


Nori rolls are convenient for meals on the go or as an elegant appetizer. You can serve
them with a simple soy sauce for dipping or with the Spring Roll Dipping Sauce (page
308). Nori sheets come either toasted or sun-dried. Use the sun-dried version for a truly
raw roll. The key for a successful raw nori roll is for the pâté not to be too moist or the
nori sheet will get soggy and spoil everyone’s fun. Here we provide two pâté recipes,
each of which lends itself to numerous variations.


1 (15-ounce) can garbanzo beans
2 tablespoons tahini
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon water
2 garlic cloves
¼ teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1. Process all of the ingredients in a food processor until well combined. You may
wish to add more water, for a thinner consistency. Start with 2 tablespoons at
a time.
2. It is possible to just mash the garbanzos up with a fork if you do not have a
food processor, then add all of the other ingredients for a chunkier hummus