Showing posts with label build. Show all posts
Showing posts with label build. Show all posts

Magnesium Myths

Magnesium Myths Have you ever experienced muscle cramping during or after exercise? This may be the result of a magnesium deficiency.  Magnesium plays a vital role in over 300 metabolic processes, which help supply our body with energy during exercise.  It also allows our bodies to utilise electrolytes, which are a vital component for muscle contraction and hydration.  These days, more and more people are eating processed foods, such as McDonalds (yuck!), while the consumption of whole foods such as nuts
Magnesium Myths Magnesium Myths Magnesium Myths Magnesium Myths
Have you ever experienced muscle cramping during or after exercise? This may be the result of a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium plays a vital role in over 300 metabolic processes, which help supply our body with energy during exercise.
It also allows our bodies to utilise electrolytes, which are a vital component for muscle contraction and hydration.
These days, more and more people are eating processed foods, such as McDonalds (yuck!), while the consumption of whole foods such as nuts  and seeds (yum!), which contain high

Build it or lose it keeping muscles strong

 Robert De Niro, 69, and Sly Stallone, 65, are training for an upcoming boxing film, “Grudge Match,” about aging rivals heading back into the ring. Just the idea of those two shirtless in trunks makes us think about the importance of preserving muscle mass as you age. After all, even the fittest athletes lose muscle tone with passing decades.
 Robert De Niro, 69, and Sly Stallone, 65, are training for an upcoming boxing film, “Grudge Match,” about aging rivals heading back into the ring. Just the idea of those two shirtless in trunks makes us think about the importance of preserving muscle mass as you age. After all, even the fittest athletes lose muscle tone with passing decades.
Here’s why. You don’t use your muscles as much as you used to; plus, you have lower levels of growth hormone, which is good for preventing cancer spread, but not so good for muscle growth. If you add to that lower levels of vitamin D-3, an imbalance in the acid-base content of foods you eat (more about that in a minute) and lack of enough protein and vitamin B-12, you’re going to lose muscle tone. But you can fight back!
To build muscles you need about 68 grams  of lean protein (skinless poultry, salmon, trout) a day if you weigh 150 pounds; a 1,000 IU supplement of vitamin D-3 daily, 1,200 IU
if you’re over 60; and 25–100 mcg per day of a B-12 supplement if you’re 65 or older.

And about acid-base balance: Too many acid-producing foods (100 percent whole grains and lean proteins) and not enough veggies and fruit (they’re base)