Showing posts with label advices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advices. Show all posts

Spice Rubs and Marinades

Spice Rubs and Marinades
What are rubs, brines and marinades and how are they used?
Answer: Spice rubs, marinades and brines are some of my favourite cooking practices using everyday. It’s the opportunity where any cook can be creative in manipulating the texture,
tenderness and most importantly, flavour of meat. They can also help transform tougher cuts of meat into a melt-in-your-mouth meal, plus they are easy to make.
Spice Rubs and Marinades

So, let’s start with brines and marinades. Basic brine is a saltwater solution, usually 3% salt to water weight (the brine should taste like sea water).

8 ways to go natural

Find an heir
Popcorn shouldn’t need to be smothered in butter to taste good, heirloom popcorn
enthusiasts say.
02 fitness Find an heir  Popcorn shouldn’t need to be smothered in butter to taste good, heirloom popcorn  enthusiasts say.  02 fitness  Companies cultivating the centuries-old plant using organic, sustainable farming practices are popping up nationwide, and proponents say their popcorn is  more flavorful and easier to digest than commercial varieties. Plus, keeping heirloom  plants in circulation helps preserve genetic diversity in our food supply.

Companies cultivating the centuries-old plant using organic, sustainable farming practices are popping up nationwide, and proponents say their popcorn is more flavorful and easier to digest than commercial varieties. Plus, keeping heirloom plants in circulation helps preserve genetic diversity in our food supply.
 You’re good enough, and smart enough ...
If you suffer from chronic stress, here are three good reasons to carve some
me-time into your day: A brief selfaffirmation can relieve acute stress,

Why Water?

Why Water?Why Water?  Considering that the human body is made up of approximately two thirds water, it comes as no surprise to learn that drinking plenty of H20 every day is important. In fact, if you are feeling thirsty, hungry or fatigued then it’s possible that you are already dehydrated.  So how much water should you drink per day? There is no exact calculation for this; however, the Why Fitness experts suggest 2-3 litres per day. A little extra if you are training, in air conditioning, or during the warmer months.  There are many benefits to getting your quota of H2O and here are our top
Why Water?
Considering that the human body is made up of approximately two thirds water, it comes as no surprise to learn that drinking plenty of H20 every day is important. In fact, if you are feeling thirsty, hungry or fatigued then it’s possible that you are already dehydrated.  So how much water should you drink per day? There is no exact calculation for this; however, the Why Fitness experts suggest 2-3 litres per day. A little extra if you are training, in air conditioning, or during the warmer months.
There are many benefits to getting your quota of H2O and here are our top

Why Heart Rate Monitors?

Why Heart Rate Monitors?  For the average weekend warrior, a heart rate monitor (or HRM) often ends  up as a sporty fashion accessory, an expensive stop watch, or calorie counter. Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there are other ways in which this training tool can help assist you with progressing your fitness.  So what is your maximum heart rate?  There are many ways in which this can be determined; however, as a very basic guide,
Why Heart Rate Monitors?
For the average weekend warrior, a heart rate monitor (or HRM) often ends
up as a sporty fashion accessory, an expensive stop watch, or calorie counter. Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there are other ways in which this training tool can help assist you with progressing your fitness.
So what is your maximum heart rate?

Top 10 Reasons Why Fitness Matters

Top 10 Reasons Why Fitness Matters What exactly is ‘physical fitness’ and why is it so important to anybody at  any age?  Technically, fitness could be defined as ‘a condition or state of being that  helps you look, feel and do your best’.  But what that really boils down to is being fit means you have the strength, the energy, and the ability to do all of the things you love – and not just exercise and physical activities.  Fitness leads to
What exactly is ‘physical fitness’ and why is it so important to anybody at
any age?
Technically, fitness could be defined as ‘a condition or state of being that
helps you look, feel and do your best’.
But what that really boils down to is being fit means you have the strength, the energy, and the ability to do all of the things you love – and not just exercise and physical activities.
Fitness leads to

The 7 Worst Diet and Fitness

02 fitness 02 fitness 02 fitness 02 fitness 02 fitness

02 fitness 02 fitness 02 fitness 02 fitness 02 fitness     Myths serve a purpose. At least the ‘traditional’ kind do. There were lessons to be learned from the classic Greek and Roman myths, and still are, despite the fact that today we know they are nothing more than fanciful stories.  The problem with diet and fitness myths; however, is that they get passed around so much, and even appear in print and on the internet, that people start to accept them as truth. And nothing can get in the way of your weight loss and fitness goals mor
Myths serve a purpose. At least the ‘traditional’ kind do. There were lessons to be learned from the classic Greek and Roman myths, and still are, despite the fact that today we know they are nothing more than fanciful stories.
The problem with diet  and fitness myths; however, is that they get passed around so much, and even appear in print and on the internet, that people start to accept them as truth. And nothing can get in the way of your weight loss and fitness goals more

the best advices: Food Fiction

02 fitness As we go from day to day, all the food “no-nos” we’ve been diligently taught ring clear in our minds. Stay away from red meat, veggies are better raw, eat several small meals a day to stay slim – and yet, some of these well-known tidbits are more fiction than fact.
 Eggs are Bad for You
We’ve all been told ordering breakfast sunny side up really isn’t so sunny – for our hearts, at least. After all, eggs are one of the richest sources of artery-clogging cholesterol, so they must increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, right? Wrong. According to the famous Framingham Study, it was found that egg consumption was unrelated to blood cholesterol levels or to coronary heart disease. Another investigation published in the Nutrition Bulletin argued that viewing eggs solely in

June – Plant of the Month Garlic

Plant the cloves with the root end pointed down, about 2 inches beneath the soil. If you wish, you can cover the planted

 While saving money might not be the driving force behind your home-grown veggie project, you certainly don’t want to lose money, either. As it happens, garlic is one of the most cost-effective plants you can grow. What’s even better is that these little pods are extremely easy to care for, bud beautifully, and are exceptionally versatile in the kitchen.

1) Plant the cloves with the root end pointed down, about 2 inches beneath the soil. If you wish, you can cover the planted cloves with a layer of mulch.
TIP: “Cracking” is when you break the bulbs apart into cloves for planting. It’s best to separate garlic cloves as close to the planting time as possible.


SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF DIABULIMIA It’s important for RDs to know that diabulimia may be an issue for the type 1 diabetes patients they counsel. They must ask appropriate questions to determine whether it exists and be ready to make appropriate referrals so patients can get the help they need. The following signs and symptoms of diabulimia can provide important clues:  • hyperglycemia;  • a hemoglobin A1c value much higher than would be expected, given recorded blood glucose values;

It’s important for RDs to know that diabulimia may be an issue for the type 1 diabetes patients they counsel. They must ask appropriate questions to determine whether it exists and be ready to make appropriate referrals so patients can get the help they need. The following signs and symptoms of diabulimia can provide important clues:
• hyperglycemia;
• a hemoglobin A1c value much higher than would be expected, given recorded blood glucose values;


UNDERSTANDING DIABULIMIA Know the Signs and Symptoms to Better Counsel Female Patients  Samantha considered herself a master of deception. At the age of 13, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes shortly after experiencing the telltale symptoms: increased thirst, frequent urination, blurry vision, a ravenous appetite, and unexplained weight loss.  It quickly became clear to her that if her blood glucose levels remained elevated, she would lose weight. “What an amazing discovery,” she thought. Now Samantha could eat anything she wanted and still lose

Know the Signs and Symptoms to Better Counsel Female Patients

Samantha considered herself a master of deception. At the age of 13, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes shortly after experiencing the telltale symptoms: increased thirst, frequent urination, blurry vision, a ravenous appetite, and unexplained weight loss.

It quickly became clear to her that if her blood glucose levels remained elevated, she would lose weight. “What an amazing discovery,” she thought. Now Samantha could eat anything she wanted and still lose (UNDERSTANDING DIABULIMIA)

first tip the healthy dieting and wieght

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip first: Avoid common pitfalls

Diets, especially fad diets or “quick-fix” pills and plans, often set you up for failure because:
  • You feel deprived. Diets that cut out entire groups of food, such as carbs or fat, are simply impractical, not to mention unhealthy. The key is moderation. Eliminating entire food groups doesn’t allow for a healthy, well-rounded diet and creates nutritional imbalances.


1. Eat an overall heart-healthy diet that includes low-fat sources of protein, whole
grains, legumes, fat-free dairy products, and a minimum of five servings of fruit and vegetables per day.
2. Limit daily cholesterol intake to no more than 200 milligrams.

Life Secrets 2

Life Secrets Learn to use your eyes to their full potential. Make constant eye contact when in conversation. Looking away(especially down) is a sign of inferiority and uncertainty.  Master the piercing stare. You know when someone looks at you and it feels  like they can see into your soul? Work on sharpening your gaze in the mirror. You’ll  know you have it when it’s intimidating to continue looking at yourself.  Master the one-eyebrow raise. This one isn’t necessary by any means, but hey, why not? Pick a brow to learn with and go look in a mirror. Raise both of your eyebrows but use your hand to hold down the brow that you want to stay down.
Learn to use your eyes to their full potential. Make constant eye contact when in conversation. Looking away(especially down) is a sign of inferiority and uncertainty.

Master the piercing stare. You know when someone looks at you and it feels
like they can see into your soul? Work on sharpening your gaze in the mirror. You’ll
know you have it when it’s intimidating to continue looking at yourself.

Master the one-eyebrow raise. This one isn’t necessary by any means, but hey, why not? Pick a brow to learn with and go look in a mirror. Raise both of your eyebrows but use your hand to hold down the brow that you want to stay down.

Life Secrets

(Life Secrets) Get good at something  Call it a hobby or a passion, whatever it is, just get good at it.  Your occupation does not count!   Learn to be unaffected by the words of others. If someone went up to you and called you a fire hydrant, would you be upset?  No because you are obviously not a fire hydrant, you are a human being. The same concept applies to when someone calls you something that you know you are not
Get good at something  Call it a hobby or a passion, whatever it is, just get good at it.
Your occupation does not count!

 Learn to be unaffected by the words of others. If someone went up to you and called you a fire hydrant, would you be upset?
No because you are obviously not a fire hydrant, you are a human being. The same concept applies to when someone calls you something that you know you are not .

Develop the ability to forgive. Forgiveness is something at which most people fail.
 Grudges only bring more miseryto those who hold them and prevent good relations with the target.

Sports nutrition rules: Hydration & Fluid Replacement Hydration

Staying hydrated is essential for everyone, but athletes have an even greater need to maintain proper hydration. Water is the most important nutrient for life and has many important functions including regulating temperature, lubricating joints and transporting nutrients and waste throughout the body.
Hydration during Exercise
Staying hydrated is particularly important during exercise. Adequate fluid intake is essential to comfort, performance and safety. The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids.

During Competition & Drinking Before

When preparing to compete at a swimming competition you need to pay careful attention to what you eat. Read on to find out what to eat the day before the event and during the day.

Off Get The Scale

Off Get The Scale  Getting Discouraged Of course, changing your lifestyle habits can be difficult (Off Get the scale)  After a late-night binge or a week of skipped workouts, your first instinct may be to jump on.  the scale to see what “damage” has been done. Resist the temptation, as this will only fuel your discouragement. Instead, get back on track the right way. Ask for the support of your friends and family who can encourage you to reach your goals.  Feel It Out A few weeks into your new, healthy lifestyle, how do you feel? Do you have more energy? Has your mood improved? If you’re too concerned about your weight to notice these things, then it’s time to take a step back. Intuitive indicators like mood and energy levels are what you should really be focusing on, so ditch the scale and take a moment to evaluate the tangible changes you’ve actually made. Despite the emphasis that’s put on weight, it’s time to get off the scale. Focus on making small changing towards a healthier lifestyle and making the most of every day; the weight will follow. Off Get the scale
 Scales Aren’t Accurate A scale doesn’t take certain things into account like water weight (your body is 60 percent water, after all) or last night’s well-earned celebratory dinner. Your scale can’t tell if those 3
pounds you gained are from fat, muscle or bloating. With this in mind, it seems silly that many of us count on the number on a scale — or that we let it affect our happiness.

If You’ve Just Started The hard work of diet and exercise isn’t always reflected by your weight, especially during those first few weeks. Many people experience delayed results, which causes them to feel discouraged and to lose sight of their long-term goals. To avoid this, forget the number onthe scale and focus more on learning how to exercise right Come up with a realistic plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks Pros & Cons: It’s 2 p.m. Your eyes are growing weary and your mind is a blank canvas, stretched to its capacity by today’s fast-paced society. If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably reach for a energy drink to help burn through the rest of your day without burning out, but is it safe?
Energy Drinks Pros & Cons: It’s 2 p.m. Your eyes are growing weary and your mind is a blank canvas, stretched to its capacity by today’s fast-paced society. If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably reach for a energy drink to help burn through the rest of your day without burning out, but is it safe?

• Energy: Energy drinks can sharpen senses and offer alertness in those times of need, such as meeting deadlines.
• Convenience: Most retailers sell them in one form or another and an energy shot can be downed in much less time than it takes to brew coffee.
• Workouts: Athletes use energy drinks to maximize workouts by pushing physical limits during longer workouts (Energy Drink).

Allergy Woes

Allergy  Woes: Seasonal allergies are a common ailment; they affect nearly 36 million Americans,according to the Food and Drug Administration. In spring and early summer, tree pollen and grass pollen are the main sources of our sneezing – not such great news, since both are abundant and nearlyimpossible to avoid. So, how can we battle the yearly sniffling, sneezing and itching? First, it’s important to learn which flowers are safe and which ones you should steer clear of. Tulips, roses, daffodils and geraniums are generally non-allergy inducing, since they rely on bees for pollination. On the other hand, daises
Allergy  Woes: Seasonal allergies are a common ailment; they affect nearly 36 million Americans,according to the Food and Drug
Administration. In spring and early summer, tree pollen and grass pollen are the main sources of our sneezing – not such great
news, since both are abundant and nearlyimpossible to avoid.
So, how can we battle the yearly sniffling, sneezing and itching? First, it’s important to learn which flowers are safe and which
ones you should steer clear of. Tulips, roses, daffodils and geraniums are generally non-allergy inducing, since they rely on
bees for pollination. On the other hand, daises, sunflowers,
chrysanthemums and cherry blossoms should be avoided; these flowers use wind rather than insects for pollination, meaning more allergens in the air – and in your nose.

Finding Your Bliss

 Finding Your Bliss What every woman should know about maintaining contentment.  Your path to bliss can be exhilarating… unless your next goal eludes you.  What can you do to recover that zest you need to pursue your dreams? Here are several small habits to help get you back on track:

 Finding Your Bliss What every woman should know about maintaining contentment. 
Your path to bliss can be exhilarating… unless your next goal eludes you.
 What can you do to recover that zest you need to pursue your dreams?
Here are several small habits to help get you back on track:
 Memorize a quote
When I find myself caught in a rut and getting nowhere fast, I often repeat a memorable quote
from a favorite role model. Quotes have been compiled throughout the ages for a good reason: they work.
One of my favorites is from Eleanor Roosevelt, who says, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
 Explore your surroundings
If your home landscape has become too familiar, find new surroundings to set your  spirit soaring. When I’m in need of a
pick-me-up, I turn to the natural beauty around me. A favorite destination of mine
is Devil’s Millhopper Geological State Park in northwest Gainesville. It’s a 120-foot sinkhole with an unexpected ecosystem at its base – a beautiful, small rainforest!

Exercise Excuses

 Exercise Excuses  We all make them. Whether you skip your morning run because it’s “too cold outside,” skimp on your clean diet because there’s “nothing else to eat,” or forgo the gym altogether because you “don’t have time,” these little lies aren’t helping you or your health. Here are some common exercise excuses and how to overcome them:
 Exercise Excuses  We all make them. Whether you skip your morning run because it’s “too cold outside,” skimp on your clean diet because there’s “nothing else to eat,” or forgo the gym altogether because you “don’t have time,” these little lies aren’t helping you or your health.
Here are some common exercise excuses and how to overcome them:
“I don’t have time.”
How much television do you watch? Instead of flipping on the TV, try heading out the door a few nights a week for a long walk and some fresh air.
“But I’ll miss my favorite shows!”
If giving up your downtime doesn’t appeal to you, why not exercise on the commercials? Walk in place, jump rope or do some sit-ups. Most shows run about 20 minutes of commercials per hour: just what you need to get in a little exercise.
“I don’t watch TV, I work long hours.”
Make small changes throughout the day to help get you on your feet. Instead of emailingyour coworker