Love Bugged

Love Bugged
Nowadays, couples therapy isn’t just for long-term partners—more people in new relationships are seeking professional help.
Love Bugged

Is it a waste of time or time well spent?
Jennifer and Henry’s* first date was right out of a rom-com. “We went kayaking and then
stayed up all night telling each other our life stories,” says Jennifer, who is 24, the same age as Henry. “After that we were just together.”
But the happy ending never materialized. “All of a sudden we couldn’t pick a movie without screaming at each other,” admits Jennifer, of Santa Cruz, California.
But they didn’t want to just give up, feeling like if they did, the time they’d spent together would have been wasted. So they went to therapy— right around the three-month mark.
Hope and Alex, both in their early thirties, together nine months, are the kind of blissfully happy couple who probably call each other “Boo” in private. Still, they spend Thursday nights in therapy. “Everything’s perfect now,” says Hope, of Sacramento, California. “But we want


Research Suggests Good Nutrition May Manage Symptoms Decades ago, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a group of developmental disabilities in which patients have significant social, communication, and behavioral difficulties, was consid­ered rare, and the prognosis of those who had it usually wasn’t good. Many individuals were committed to institutions for the rest of their lives because of their inability to function in society. But times have changed.
AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Decades ago, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a group of developmental disabilities in which patients have significant social, communication, and behavioral difficulties, was consid­ered rare, and the prognosis of those who had it usually wasn’t good. Many individuals were committed to institutions for the rest of their lives because of their inability to function in society. But times have changed.

The prevalence of ASD among adults and children has sky­rocketed over the last several years. Much more research on the etiology of the disorder and the different ways to treat and manage